Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Superbowl is Coming...and that means another National Anthem Performer!

Can the National Anthem put you in a good mood?

Why yes, yes it can. At least last week it did for me.

I just love playoff time...doesn't matter the sport, but simply put, playoff=popular.  And, popular means that really great celebrities will be showing up, stepping up and belting out that amazjng tribute to our great country. Now, that's cool!

So, since last weekend was a big football weekend, we got two amazing (and polar opposite, I might add) renditions. First up Steven Tyler and his much talked about Steven Tyleresque version.  Now, I feel compelled to add here that I am a huge fan.  Aerosmith still holds a special place in my heart (and on my iPod). However, I don't think I'm stating the obvious, but without the backup band, studio remastering and the tight pants, it was a whole lot of Steven Tyler screeching. You know what though? I thought it was just fabulous! I was smiling and happy as he screeched out every word...and at the end when he threw his head back and gave it some love-in-an-elevator-going-down-feeling...I was cheering! Cheering for him, cheering for the players and cheering for our great country.

Then later in the day just came the most pleasant surprise when Kristin Chenoweth sang before the 49ers/Giants game. Loved it!  First off she sounded beautiful, she has just a beautiful voice. But then it was at the end, and the camera pans back in and shes just loving life...smiling an I-just-kicked-ass smile...and her arms are going...and in that moment I was happy! Happy to be watching, excited for the emotion and all around proud to be American. I can honestly say that it was one of my favorite  renditions since Whitney Houston sang it in 1991.

Call me a traditionalist, but I think its an honor for a celebrity to be able to sing OUR song, and I get annoyed when its done in any fashion that doesn't garner that respect.  Christina Aguilera butchering the words was ridiculous...and there was that thing with Roseanne Barr-'nuff said!! So, to see such a great performance was just enough to bring a smile.

With that game of all games coming spoon, we have another rendition to look forward to.  Let's see what Kelly Clarkson brings to the stage.  She's plenty capable, but only time will tell.  I just hope she takes it to heart and gives America one to be proud of!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012!

Ahhh, another New Year's Day has come to a close.  I'm sure that if someone has a statistic for the least productive day of the year, the first day of January has got to be in the top five.  Speaking for my family, I can honestly say that we do nothing most New Year's Days...and today was no different.  Slept in (nice!!), big breakfast with our friends, mimosa's, football and then the ride home.  Then it was pizza for dinner and soon enough it was off to bed.

At the beginning of 2011 I wrote a blog post and talked about not having lots of resolutions for the new year.  I simply said that I was going to do things "different."  Well, one year later I'm not so sure what I was thinking when I said different, but definitely different works for how things went in 2011.  Whatever though...2011 is now one for the history books.

As for 2012, I'm back to resolutions.  Not crazy, difficult resolutions, but goals and hopes for this coming year.  This year I have resolved the following:

Read More!  Reading is one of my favorite past times that for the last few years has spent way too much time on the back burner.  I really want to make it a priority for myself this year and I'm ready.  I've got my Kindle...a pile of books...and even used a cool new site to set a reading goal and there even seems to be some cool stuff to help track your goal, pick new books and make a reading list.  Let's see how that goes.

Cooking resolutions.  Yes, I have made some cooking resolutions.  Weird, maybe, but I've been enjoying my cooking adventures for the past year and writing about them - so this year I'm going to try some cooking fun that I've never done before.  I want to make a crown roast, bake a souffle, make bread from scratch (not using a bread maker) and attempt to make my own pasta.  I think I may try a ravioli.  Keep your eyes out on my foodie blog for how it comes out (What are we having for dinner tonight at!!

Practice more self-preservation tactics.  It's not about losing weight, working out more, blah, blah, blah.  2012 is about being better with the things that should be routine.  2011 was not a bad year in terms of fitness, this year I'm going to commit a little more.  I've been eating right, so I'm going to kick that up a bit more, too.  Most importantly - I'm going to pay more attention to sleep and rest.  It's so important and I really do feel better when I get the right amount of sleep.  Over the last year it's painfully obvious that focusing on exercise, rest and eating right helps a ton...and I'm in a lot less pain on a regular basis.

Stress Less.  Easier said then done, but I'm going to try.  I'm still working on the game plan, but I have a few ideas.  I'll definitely report back.

All in all, 2012 us that new blank canvas.  365 days that are unknown and open to our interpretation. I hope I can always be so optimistic by what New Year's means, because I really like the way this feels.

So...what have you resolved for the new year?

Cheers to 2012!